Widgetbox hat zum Launch der eigenen Plattform Anfang der Woche einen Wettbewerb für Web-Widgets gestartet:
"We are looking for the most innovative widget on the planet. Enter as many widgets as you want. The grand prize: exposure for your widget to a large national audience of Web gurus at the upcoming DEMOfall conference."
Bis zum Einsendeschluss ist es etwas knapp. Interessant ist aber zum Beispiel der Widgetbox Kriterienkatalog für gute Widgets:
"Things that will influence the judges:
- Innovativeness. What we'd really love to see is a "we didn't know that was possible!" moment.
- Web 2.0-ness. Mashiness, thick clientosity, usability, beauty.
- Usefulness. For example, a screensaver widget probably won't make the cut.
- Widgetboxiness. Whether it shows off Widgetbox features such as Tag Awareness."
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