Das beste Plädoyer für besseren E-Commerce seit langem: It is Time to Separate From the Herd
"In my post from the conference last week I had commented on the recent lack of innovation in online shopping.
Over the last three years merchants have moved progressively towards what has become a fairly homogenous online user experience that caters to the same mode of browsing and transacting as each other’s websites.
Imitation may be a form of flattery, but if form follows function, then in the case of online shopping, banality follows form.
Online shopping has in reality been reduced to online transacting.
Seek this one thing, find that one thing, maybe compare prices, then check out.
The building of desire? The premise that shopping should be engaging? Maybe at next year’s eTail. Or the year after that. Or never.
Maybe it’s time to accept the fact that this is the business of ONLINE shopping, and not online SHOPPING.
Maybe it’s about the medium and not the act?"
Früherer Beitrag zum Thema:
- Die Zukunft des E-Commerce (vom 1.10.2005)
Hallo Jochen,
vielen Dank für den klasse Tipp, genau das Richtige zum Wochenende. Möge der Autor Recht behalten ;-)
Kommentiert von: phlipster | 16. März 07 um 16:34 Uhr