Nach dem US-Start von Zlio gibts jetzt auch englischsprachige Interviews mit dem Gründer Jeremie Berrebi.
Er betreibt nicht nur einen der führenden Social Shopping Dienste, sondern ist inzwischen auch einer von Frankreichs Top Bloggern.
Hier Auszüge aus dem Interview bei CenterNetworks:
Where did the name [Zlio] come from?
Jeremie: I have registered this domain in 2000 when a 4 letter domain name was very rare but Zlio was still available (Ze Leading Internet Organization)Is there a team at Zlio? If so, what is the makeup?
Jeremie: Sure! We are 8 and we are hiring. Besides my partner, David Levy, and myself, we have 2 developers, 2 marketing people, and 2 customers support members.Do you monetize Zlio? If so, how?
Jeremie: Very simple...every time someone purchases a product through a shop, we make money. In France, we also have CPC links to merchants. We will soon launch this feature in the US.Who are your competitors?
Jeremie: 2 companies are working on a similar concept: Chitika (with their Shoplinc product dedicated to websites who already have a lot of traffic), and Amazon Astore (with only Amazon products) [Einen Vergleich der drei Dienst gibts bei Robin Good]What's coming in the next 6-9 months for Zlio?
Jeremie: Opening the service in the UK and some other countries, adding a lot of new features…and millions of shops :)
Zum kompletten Interview
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