Microsoft übernimmt den Shoppingdienst Jellyfish, der seit knapp einem Jahr mit seinem Live Shopping Programm "Smack Shopping" für Furore sorgt.
Das berichtet das Wisconsin State Journal am Firmensitz von Jellyfish:
"Under terms of the deal, will keep its identity even as it functions as part of Microsoft, which is based in Redmond, Wash.
The 26 Jellyfish employees, including co-founders Wiegand and Mark McGuire, will stay at 1600 Aspen Commons. (...)
Microsoft contacted the Middleton company about three months ago, Wiegand said."
Das Konzept wird im Bericht wie folgt beschrieben:
"Jellyfish is a 24-hour-a-day shopping Web site that lets shoppers search for specific products and compare prices, with a cash-back plan. It also offers "smack " shopping -- the term for a group of jellyfish -- featuring themed segments.
Products are shown one at a time without saying how many are available. The price keeps falling but shoppers who wait for the best bargain may lose out if the products are sold out by then.
Jellyfish also offers viewers a personal page and a chance to chat with other shoppers."
Interessant sind auch die Umsatzzahlen:
"In an interview in July, Wiegand said Jellyfish had sold nearly $5 million worth of products, "everything from bicycles to shoes. "
The company raised $5 million worth of financing last October, after the co-founders, their family and friends and Kegonsa Capital Partners came up with funds to start the business in early 2006."
Für Exciting Commerce zählt Jellyfish zu den Innovationstreibern des Jahres, was nicht zuletzt die Vielzahl an Beiträgen verdeutlicht. Jellyfish ist momentan neben Dealjäger einer der wenigen Dienste, die das Live Shopping mit dem Social Shopping Erlebnis kombinieren.
Microsoft hat die Jellyfish-Übernahme inzwischen bestätigt
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