Vor drei Wochen hat sich Woot! mit Yahoo Shopping verbündet und dort Sellout.Woot! als neuesten Ableger gestartet:
"They [Yahoo!] came to Woot with the idea that we could spruce up Yahoo! Shopping by offering an exclusive daily deal through them.
Fortunately for us, they also wheeled up a barrowful of sweet, metaphorical cash, in the form of access to their gigunda audience of shoppers who’ve never met Woot. Far be it from us to pass up an opportunity to synergize! We’re, uh, idealistic that way. The upshot is that Sellout.Woot will offer a Woot-style daily deal that’s different from the one on Woot.com, seven days a week. (...)
Otherwise, this Yahoo! partnership gives us some room to experiment. We can push our product envelope, stretch our marketing muscles, and hook whole new demographic cohorts on the Woot narcotic.
We can follow our mentally unstable muses without inflicting any pain on you guys (well, any more than usual, anyway). All the classic Woot identifying features – daily deals, bustling forums, obnoxious humor – will still be fully present and accounted for."
Sellout.Woot ist der dritte Woot! Ableger nach Wine.Woot! und Shirt.Woot!.
Und wenn man sich die Angebote der letzten Wochen ansieht, dann ist das Wort Lockvogelangebote bei weitem untertrieben.
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