Um die neuen Möglichkeiten im E-Commerce zu erkennen, lohnt es sich, die Entwicklungen in speziellen Marktsegmenten zu betrachten. Unser bevorzugter Bereich ist traditionell der Weinmarkt, einer der facettenreichsten und vielfältigsten E-Commerce-Bereiche überhaupt.
Erfreulicherweise hat das Rethink Wine Weblog aktuell ein paar lesenswerte Einschätzungen ("Wineries Must Compete with Retailers for Online Sales") zu den Entwicklungen bei den Weinversendern, mit Links zu einer Fülle neuerer Shoppingseiten:
"My point today is that the big wave is coming for online wine sellers, be they wineries or retailers. (...)
Like most savvy online shoppers, these new wine buyers will first look to shopping portals, vertical search engines, social shopping sites, social networks, blogs, forums, etc. to get information, prices and to make a purchase.
If a prospective online wine buyer has not visited your winery or received an email from you or heard a recommendation from a friend, chances are he or she may not first look to your website to buy wine. That person will Google what they are interested in and see a very long list of possibilities - only one of them being your winery’s website.
That plethora of options can be daunting, so smart entrepreneurs have created marketing services that act as filters to help consumers find what they want quickly.
You know the main ones: Wine-Searcher, WineZap, CellarTracker … and the newer ones: Snooth, Winelog, Vinquire, Radcru, TasteVine, Vino2Vino, Calwineries, Bottlenotes, Cork’d, ClassicWines … There are many.
These essential outfits compete to cater to the needs of the inquisitive wine lover. With a few exceptions, they look to wine sellers to fund them. Almost all paths to purchase lead to a retailer paying for a click or a sale."
Das Rethink Wine Blog wird betrieben von der Inertia Beverage Group, einem Anbieter von E-Commerce- und Marketinglösungen für Winzer und Weinhändler. Inertia ist im April 2007 mit 8 Mio. Dollar finanziert worden. In der zugehörigen Pressemeldung heißt es:
"The wine industry is experiencing a fundamental change in its distribution model as wineries push for increased direct sales to their consumer and trade customers. (...)
Winery direct sales to consumers have exploded over the past five years leaving many wineries across the globe with the challenge of managing data and customers coming in from various points of purchase.
Inertia provides both large multi-national wine companies and small boutique wineries with a scalable on-line platform that allows them to manage all customer interactions, data and sales tools."
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